Working with Children
Play therapy is an organic, relational process. A therapist holds a container of love and “unconditional positive regard” (Carl Rodgers) to help a child grow in self awareness in an attempt to foster resiliency, empowerment and growth.
It looks different for every child and might include toys, games, outside, inside, talking, moving, making sound, making art, imaginative play, and role-playing.
This work can decrease separation anxiety, hone less reactive behaviors, decrease emotional outbursts, improve communication of needs, increase resiliency for change, grow joy and develop connection to self.
Coaching Parents
Working with parents to improve our ability to support our children is a crucial part of play therapy. Some of the questions we will strive to answer might include the following:
How do we decrease fear, stress and shame in caring for children and increase love, connection and empowerment?
How can we honor, love, and understand our children for who they are and not who we think they should be?
How can we foster relationships while staying in connection to ourselves and our purpose?
How can we find our place of okay-ness in all the messiness of our day to day life?
Working with Adults
Our challenges shape us and offer opportunities to grow strength and self-determination. We each have to discover our own meaning and true selves, and I can offer support and tools to navigate this journey of discovery.
I want you to know you are not alone.
I strive to help my clients re-orient us to big perspectives, to body sensations, to the present moment, and to explore knowledge and wisdom being born in the now.
My passion is in helping others transform through their charged emotions and experiences to empower, strengthen and build resiliency.

Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it, and embrace them.